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Petition for a Parent

I-130 Petition
Adjustment of Status

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Forms I-130, I-485, I-765, I-131, & I-864 (Petition And Adjustment Together)

Only a Citizen of the U.S. over the age of 21 may file an immigrant visa Petition for a Parent to become a Lawful Permanent Resident.

The Parents of U.S. Citizens are considered Immediate Relatives. Visas are always available for immediate relatives of U.S. Citizens. This means that they do not have to wait in line for an immigrant visa to be available.

U.S. Citizens can also petition a step-parent. There is no limitation on the number of parents for whom a single Petitioner may file visa Petitions. For example, if the (alien) biological parents of the Petitioner divorced and both remarried other aliens PRIOR to the Petitioner’s 18th birthday, the Petitioner could file Petitions for his/her biological mother and biological father, as well as his/her stepmother and stepfather.

Filing a petition is only the first step in the process to help your Parents immigrate to the United States. The filing and/or approval of a petition does NOT give your Parent any status in the United States.

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